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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Local property connection

The local connection allows you to manage properties in the TYPO3 backend without needing an Openimmo or Immoscout connection or API interface.

Basic configuration

You will need to provide a node definition so that the backend module knows which property attributes can be changed. This is configured via Setup-TypoScript and you can choose between two preconfigured files. In order to select a preconfigured file and customize it, create a template record on the connection page. On the 'Contains' tab, choose between Openimmo - Backend Modules Nodes Definition Full or Openimmo - Backend Modules Nodes Definition Full. Full contains the complete field definitions based on the Openimmo standard. Simple contains only the most common fields for simple properties.

Changes in the backend module for managing property data

In order to change property fields, you only need to update TypoScript. See below for a list of the most common topics.

Changing selectbox options

Change selectbox options as follows.

Bebaubar nach selectbox options before:

module.tx_openimmo.settings.nodes.definition {
    zustandAngaben {
        bebaubarNach {

Bebaubar nach selectbox options after:

module.tx_openimmo.settings.nodes.definition {
    zustandAngaben {
        bebaubarNach {
            bebaubarAttr = GE,GEe,GI,GIe,MD,MI,MK,SO,W,WA,WR

Country definitions:

module.tx_openimmo.settings.nodes.definition {
    geo {
        land {
            isoLand = Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich

Removal of fields/tabs that are no longer required

Simply remove fields and tabs that you do not need by deleting the corresponding definition node:

module.tx_openimmo.settings.nodes.definition.versteigerung >
module.tx_openimmo.settings.nodes.definition.bieterverfahren >
module.tx_openimmo.settings.nodes.definition.kontaktperson >

Changing a selectbox input field

As an example, if you want to change the location input field to a selectbox, proceed as follows:

module.tx_openimmo.settings.nodes.definition {
    geo {
        # Vorher
        # ort = String
        # Nachher
        ort = Münster,Dortmund,Berlin

Changing input field labels

Input fields labels can also easily be changed via Setup-TypoScript - you only need to know the label identifier. These can be found using browser developer tools and looking at the ID of the field. As an example, if you want to change the Wohnfläche label, first check the ID - in this case it would be immobilie_flaechen_wohnflaeche_label. Delete the _label part of this ID and then overwrite the label as follows:

module.tx_openimmo {
    default {
      tx_openimmo_label.immobilie_flaechen_wohnflaeche = Wohnfläche-Spezial
    de {
      tx_openimmo_label.immobilie_flaechen_wohnflaeche = Wohnfläche-Spezial
    en {
      tx_openimmo_label.immobilie_flaechen_wohnflaeche = Wohnfläche special
TYPO3 OpenImmo Extension

TYPO3 OpenImmo

TYPO3 OpenImmo is a real estate extension that reads in your objects via an OpenImmo-API and displays them on your website.


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