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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Editing records

This guide covers how to add frontend management as a TYPO3-Extension-Developer for real estate records to an extension. The key parameters are:

  • Extension-Key: openimmo
  • Object-Name: Immobilie

Editing records

The form used to edit data records is defined in TypoScript.


plugin.tx_openimmopro.settings.forms.immobilie {
    table = tx_openimmo_domain_model_immobilie
    # Slug handling
    slug {
        # Enable auto generation for slugs
        active = 1
        # Database field for slug
        field = slug
        # Auto generate slug by using this fields
        fields = title,uid
    # Notify admin about inserted/updated records
    mailOnSave {
        # Enable notification mail on saving records
        active = 0
        subject = Record address saved on www.coding.ms
        fromEmail = typo3(at)coding(dot)ms
        toEmail = typo3(at)coding(dot)ms
    messages {
        error {
            title = Error
            savingFailed = Please check your data.
        success {
            title = Success
            successfullySaved = Your data was successfully saved.
    fieldsets {
        general < plugin.tx_modules.presets.fieldsets.normal
        general {
            label = General
            fields {
                hidden < plugin.tx_modules.presets.fields.checkboxHidden
                objekttitel < plugin.tx_modules.presets.fields.input
                objekttitel {
                    label = Title
                    placeholder = Title...
                    required = 1
                    validation {
                        NotEmpty = Please enter a title
                objektnrExtern < plugin.tx_modules.presets.fields.input
                objektnrExtern {
                    label = Objectno. (external)
                    # Display field as readonly
                    readonly = 1
                    # Because we've a readonly field, we don't need a validation
                slug < plugin.tx_modules.presets.fields.inputSlug
                slug {
                    table = tx_openimmo_domain_model_immobilie

        buttons < plugin.tx_modules.presets.fieldsets.buttons
        buttons {
            fields {
                submit < plugin.tx_modules.presets.fields.submit
                cancelAndBackToListButton < plugin.tx_modules.presets.fields.cancelAndBackToListButton

The logic is contained in the corresponding editAction function, as shown below:

class ImmobilieController extends FrontendBaseController

     * @throws Exception
    public function editAction() {
        if($this->request->hasArgument('submit')) {
            // Read selectbox/checkboxes values from relations without select/check values
            $this->form = $this->prepareFormArray($this->form, $this->object, false);
            // Start validation of the form data
            $this->form = $this->validationService->validateForm($this->form, $this->request->getArguments(), $this->object);
            // Validation was successful?
            if ($this->form['valid'] === 0) {
                $this->addFlashMessage($this->form['messages']['error']['savingFailed'], $this->form['messages']['error']['title'], FlashMessage::ERROR);
            else {
                $this->persistFormObject($this->form, $this->object);
                $this->addFlashMessage($this->form['messages']['success']['successfullySaved'], $this->form['messages']['success']['title'], FlashMessage::OK);
        else {
            // Pre fill object values
            $this->form = $this->objectValuesIntoFormArray($this->form);
            // Read selectbox/checkboxes values from relations and select/check values
            $this->form = $this->prepareFormArray($this->form, $this->object);
        $this->view->assign('formUid', 'immobilie-object');
        $this->view->assign('form', $this->form);
        $this->view->assign('frontendUser', $this->frontendUser);
        $this->view->assign('object', $this->object);


The edit funtion validates user input against your configuration and updates the record. For display in the frontend you will then need the following Fluid template:


<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en"
    <f:layout name="Frontend"/>
    <f:section name="Main">

        <f:flashMessages />

        <f:form action="edit" method="post" arguments="{object: object}" enctype="multipart/form-data">

            <f:if condition="{f:count(subject: form.tabs)}">

                    <ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-invalid-tab-class="alert-danger is-invalid">
                        <f:for each="{form.tabs}" as="tab" key="tabKey" iteration="tabIterator">
                            <f:if condition="{tabIterator.isFirst}">
                                    <li class="nav-item active">
                                        <a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#{formUid}-{tabKey}">{tab.label}</a>
                                    <li class="nav-item">
                                        <a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#{formUid}-{tabKey}">{tab.label}</a>

                    <div class="tab-content">
                        <f:for each="{form.tabs}" as="tab" key="tabKey" iteration="tabIterator">
                            <f:if condition="{tabIterator.isFirst}">
                                    <div class="tab-pane active" id="{formUid}-{tabKey}">
                                        <div class="row">
                                            <f:for each="{tab.fieldsets}" as="tabFieldset">
                                                <f:for each="{form.fieldsets}" as="fieldset" key="fieldsetKey">
                                                    <f:if condition="{tabFieldset} == {fieldsetKey}">
                                                        <f:render section="Fieldset" arguments="{_all}" />
                                    <div class="tab-pane" id="{formUid}-{tabKey}">
                                        <div class="row">
                                            <f:for each="{tab.fieldsets}" as="tabFieldset">
                                                <f:for each="{form.fieldsets}" as="fieldset" key="fieldsetKey">
                                                    <f:if condition="{tabFieldset} == {fieldsetKey}">
                                                        <f:render section="Fieldset" arguments="{_all}" />

                    <div class="row">
                        <f:for each="{form.fieldsets}" as="fieldset" key="fieldsetKey">
                            <f:if condition="{fieldset.type} == 'Button'">
                                <f:render section="Fieldset" arguments="{_all}" />


                    <div class="row">
                        <f:for each="{form.fieldsets}" as="fieldset" key="fieldsetKey">
                            <f:render section="Fieldset" arguments="{_all}" />




    <f:section name="Fieldset">
        <f:if condition="{fieldset.type} != ''">
                <f:render partial="Fieldset/{fieldset.type}" section="{fieldset.section}" arguments="{_all}" />
                <f:debug title="Invalid configuration in {fieldsetKey}">{fieldset}</f:debug>

After completing this step you can now edit objects using a frontend user login.

Contact request

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