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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Create a list of records

This guide covers how to add frontend management as a TYPO3-Extension-Developer for real estate records to an extension. The key parameters are:

  • Extension-Key: openimmo
  • Object-Name: Immobilie

Create a list of records

To create a record list you will need to configure Setup-TypoScript, for example:


plugin.tx_openimmopro.settings.lists.immobilie {
    # Default sorting of the list
    sortingField = objektnr_extern
    sortingOrder = desc
    # Limit for items used by the pagination
    limit = 20
    # Max items of this object - 0 means no limit
    # If the amount of items is reached, the creation button will be hidden
    # and it's no longer possible to create more items!
    maxItems = 0
    # Messages in list handling
    messages {
        info {
            # Displayed when no objects/entries are available
            noEntries = No objects found
            # Information message when max items are configured
            amountOfEntries = %1$d of %2$d objects created
        success {
            # Title for all success messages
            title = Success
            objectActivated = Object is now activated!
            objectDeactivated = Object is now deactivated!
            objectDeleted = Object is now deleted!
        error {
            # Title for all error messages
            title = Error
            # Error message when max items are reached
            maxItemsReached = Your maximum amount of objects reached!
    # Configuration of the header
    header {
        # Headline above the list
        title = Objects
        # Additional action buttons above the list
        actions {
            # Each action button gets a unique key
            create {
                # Label of the action button
                label = Create
                # Title on mouse over
                title = Create a new objects
                # Action, which is called on the related FrontendController
                action = Create
                # Icon identifier
                iconIdentifier = actions-document-new
    # Configuration of the list columns
    # Each configuration node represents a column
    fields {
        # The node key corresponds with a getter of the display object (DB field)
        objekttitel {
            label = Title
            format = Plain
            sortable = 1
        objektnrExtern {
            label = Objectno. (external)
            format = Plain
            sortable = 1
    actions {
        edit {
            label =
            title = Edit this object
            action = Edit
            iconIdentifier = actions-document-open
        show {
            label =
            title = Show this object in frontend
            action = Show
            controller = Bookings
            pageUid = {$themes.configuration.pages.bookings.details}
            extensionName = bookings
            pluginName = BookingObject
            parameter = bookingObject
            iconIdentifier = actions-document-view
        hidden {
            # Model muss hidden property/getter/setter haben
            # Des Weiteren TCA entry
            action = Hidden
            label {
                hide =
                show =
            title {
                hide = Deactivate object
                show = Activate object
            iconIdentifier {
                hide = actions-edit-hide
                show = actions-edit-unhide
        delete {
            # Model muss deleted property/getter/setter haben
            label =
            title = Delete this object
            action = Delete
            iconIdentifier = actions-delete
            confirmation = Really delete this object?!

The corresponding listAction function looks as follows:

class ImmobilieController extends FrontendBaseController

     * action list
     * @return void
     * @throws NoSuchArgumentException
     * @throws StopActionException
    public function listAction()
        if($this->request->hasArgument('sortingField')) {
            $this->list['sortingField'] = trim($this->request->getArgument('sortingField'));
        if($this->request->hasArgument('sortingOrder')) {
            $sortingOrder = trim($this->request->getArgument('sortingOrder'));
            $this->list['sortingOrder'] = ($sortingOrder === 'desc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
        if($this->request->hasArgument('offset')) {
            $this->list['offset'] = (int)$this->request->getArgument('offset');
        if($this->request->hasArgument('limit')) {
            $this->list['limit'] = (int)$this->request->getArgument('limit');
        $this->list['pid'] = $this->pageUid;
        $immobilies = $this->objectRepository->findAllForFrontendList($this->list);
        $this->list['countAll'] = $this->objectRepository->findAllForFrontendList($this->list, true);
        $this->view->assign('list', $this->list);
        $this->view->assign('immobilies', $immobilies);
        $this->view->assign('frontendUser', $this->frontendUser);


The function calculates the sort and pagination parameters and passes them to the display. For display in the frontend you will need the following Fluid template:


<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en"
    <f:layout name="Frontend"/>
    <f:section name="Main">

        <f:flashMessages />
        <f:render partial="Table/Table" arguments="{list: list, data: immobilies}" />


After completing this step your list should function correctly.

Integrate preview button for disabled records

In order to provide a preview for disabled records, you need a special showAction like this:

public function showAction(): void
    $address = null;
    $addressUid = 0;
    if ($this->request->hasArgument('address')) {
        $addressUid = (int)$this->request->getArgument('address');
        if ($addressUid > 0) {
            $address = $this->addressRepository->findByIdentifier($addressUid);
    if (!($address instanceof Address)) {
        // If object not found, check if it's a preview object by a logged-in user!
        /** @var Context $context */
        $context = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Context::class);
        if ($context->getPropertyFromAspect('frontend.user', 'isLoggedIn')) {
            /** @var UserAspect $frontendUserAspect */
            $frontendUserAspect = $context->getAspect('frontend.user');
            $address = $this->addressRepository->findByIdentifierFrontend($addressUid, $frontendUserAspect->get('id'));
            if ($address instanceof Address) {
                    LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_addressmanager_message.warning_address_object_is_deactivated', 'AddressManager'),
                    LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_addressmanager_message.warning_headline', 'AddressManager'),
    if ($address instanceof Address) {
        $this->getMetaInformation($address, $this->settings['siteName']);
        $this->view->assign('address', $address);
    } else {
            LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_addressmanager_message.error_address_object_not_found', 'AddressManager'),
            LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_addressmanager_message.error_headline', 'AddressManager'),

The translation values could look like:

<trans-unit id="tx_addressmanager_message.warning_address_object_is_deactivated">
    <source>This address object is deactivated.</source>
    <target>Dieses Adressobjekt ist deaktiviert.</target>
<trans-unit id="tx_addressmanager_message.error_address_object_not_found">
    <source>Address object not found.</source>
    <target>Adressobjekt konnte nicht gefunden werden.</target>
<trans-unit id="tx_addressmanager_message.warning_headline">
<trans-unit id="tx_addressmanager_message.error_headline">

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