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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.


The Firebase Extension comes with a few logging features, which are configurable by the Extensionmanager.

Here you'll find the following options:

  • log.dontDeleteLogFilesAfterImport: The Firebase Extension writes some logging lines while executing the Scheduler. The log files are located in uploads/tx_firebase/log/. With this checkbox you can decide, weather the log files should be deleted after Scheduler execution or not.
  • push.report.active: If you activate this checkbox, the log report will be sent to the following mail address.
  • push.report.subject: In this field you can enter a custom Email subject, in case you have multiple Firebase extensions in use.
  • push.report.email: In this field you have to define the receiver Emailaddress for the log report.
TYPO3 Firebase-Push Extension

TYPO3 Firebase Push

This extension enables you to push TYPO3 news notifications to Firebase. It supports handling for multi language News notifications by creating connections for each language.


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