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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.


This extension is very easy to use. Simply install and include the delivered static template.

You can configure the schema data by using Setup-TypoScript. So, the default configuration looks like:

plugin.tx_schemaorg {
    settings {
        page {
            # context is not required
            # Find other types on:
            # http://schema.org/LocalBusiness
            type = ProfessionalService
            name = Your company name
            url = {$themes.configuration.baseurl}
            telephone = +49 12 34 56 78 0
            image {
                type = ImageObject
                url = https://www.../logo.svg
                caption = Your company name
            address {
                type = PostalAddress
                streetAddress = Musterstrasse 123
                addressLocality = Musterstadt
                postalCode = 54321
            geo {
                type = GeoCoordinates
                latitude = 51° 54' 15.48'' N
                longitude = 7° 38' 51.65'' E
            # Opening hours
            openingHoursSpecification {
                type = OpeningHoursSpecification
                dayOfWeek {
                    # Builds a JSON array into node dayOfWeek
                    ARRAY = Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday
                opens = 09:00
                closes = 21:00
            # Contact
            contactPoint {
                type = ContactPoint
                telephone = +49 12 34 56 78 0
                # contact types for phone numbers:
                # https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/corporate-contacts
                contactType = customer service

For your own schema data, simply modify the structure in settings.page as you need. The parser will build an equal JSON structure and extends the type nodes with an @.

Your root template Setup-TypoScript could look like:

plugin.tx_schemaorg {
    settings {
        page >
        page {
            type = ProfessionalService
            name = company name
            url = {$themes.configuration.baseurl}
            telephone = +49 123 456 789
            image {
                type = ImageObject
                url = https://www.../logo.svg
                caption = coding.ms


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