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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Configure registrations for calendar events

The Calendars extension for TYPO3 is shipped with a simple registration logic. How you can use it is described on this page.

Configuring registration page

First of all, you need to create a page with a event registation plugin on it. If you want to allow registration only by logged in users protect the registration page for non logged in users. Afterwards you have to insert the page uid into the following TypoScript constant:

themes.configuration.pages.calendar.registration = 0

Additionally you are able to configure, which form fields are visible and which are mandatory. This can be done by using setup TypoScript:

plugin.tx_calendars {
    settings {
        registration {
            # Fields for email message text
            fields {
                # These fields will be validated as required. Event and email are always required!
                required = firstName, lastName, email
                # These fields will be processed while registration
                available = firstName, lastName, address, zip, city, telephone, fax, email, message

Configuring registration mails

The registration mails are basically configured by the following setup TypoScript:

plugin.tx_calendars {
    settings {
        registration {
            subject = Event-Anmeldung
            # Default receiver mail address
            toEmail = typo3(at)coding(dot)ms
            # Default receiver name
            toName = Thomas Deuling
            # Sender E-Mail
            fromEmail = typo3(at)coding(dot)ms
            # Sender Name
            fromName = Event-Registrierung
            # BCC mail address
            bccEmail =
            # BCC Name
            bccName = Event-Registrierung (BCC)

The toEmail and toName contains the default target address.

Defining different target addresses for registration mails

Sometimes it happens, that you need to send registrations for a special event to another mail address. For that reason you are able to define different receiver addresses. This happens in two steps - first step is the definition of the addresses self:

plugin.tx_calendars {
    settings {
        registration {
            address {
                # Different addresses, selectable in calendar event record
                anotherOne {
                    toEmail = typo3(at)coding(dot)ms
                    toName = Thomas Deuling
                anotherTwo {
                    toEmail = typo3(at)coding(dot)ms
                    toName = Thomas Deuling

Afterwards you need to register this new receiver addresses, so that they ar selectable in calendar events. This happens by using Page TypoScript:

    tx_calendars_domain_model_calendarevent {
        # Define some supported features
        registration_address.addItems {
            anotherOne = Receiver is another person 1
            anotherTwo = Receiver is another person 2
TYPO3 Calendars Extension

TYPO3 Calendars

This extension provides a simple event calendar incl. registration.


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