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TYPO3 Fluid-Form


Die TYPO3 Fluid-Form Extension liefert Dir eine Möglichkeit, Ajax-Formulare einzusetzen, die einfach und komfortabel über TypoScript konfigurierbar sind. Selbstverständlich sind dabei beliebige Felder und Feldtypen einsetzbar - auch Mavguard und Honey-Pots stehen zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus ist die TYPO3 Fluid-Form Extension auch versionierbar und somit einfach zu warten.

Verschiedene Finisher bestimmen wiederum, was nach dem Absenden des Formulars passieren soll: natürlich kann dieses standardmäßig einfach nur verschickt werden- es besteht aber auch die Option, die eingegebenen Daten in eine Datenbank schreiben zu lassen oder diese "on-the-fly" in ein PDF zu integrieren. Bei letzterem können verschiedene Vorlagen für Versender und Empfänger hinterlegt werden. Sollten die Daten wiederum in die Datenbank geschrieben werden, können diese über einen Scheduler auch automatisiert gesammelt und in einer CSV-Datei an eine vordefinierte Empfängeradresse geschickt werden.

Ebenso können die Daten auch nach einem gewissen Zeitraum automatisch gelöscht werden. Dadurch, dass die Formulare an beliebige Datensätze anknüpfbar sind, lassen sich auch versteckte Informationen weitergeben, wie z.B. den Seitentitel, auf dem das Formular genutzt wurde oder den jeweiligen News-Eintrag u. ä.

Key Features

Ausgabe von Ajax-Formularen, die einfach per TS konfigurierbar sind
Es sind beliebige Felder und Feldtypen erstellbar
Die Extension ist versionier- und somit einfach wartbar
Verschiedene Finisher ermöglichen die Bestimmung was nach dem Versand passieren soll - so ist natürlich ein einfacher Mailversand möglich, es besteht aber auch die Option die Inhalte in die Datenbank schreiben zu lassen sowie "on-the-fly" ein PDF generieren zu lassen
Es können beliebig viele Fieldsets mit unterschiedlichsten Feldtypen (date, time, etc.) abgelegt werden
Auch Notizen/Hinweise können eingesetzt werden
Captcha, Mathguard, Honeypot sind ebenfalls realisierbar
Sofern Anfragen in der Datenbank gespeichert werden, lassen sich diese Inhalte über einen Scheduler automatisiert gesammelt verschicken
Die Formulare sind an beliebige Datensätze anknüpfbar (z.B. bei News), so ist es u.a. möglich, die entsprechende Zielseite versteckt in den Formulareingaben bei Versand mitzuliefern
Backendmodul zur Übersicht aller Mails und Anfragen
 € 0,00 ex. VAT


DeutschEnglischStableOpenSourceTYPO3 9.5PHP 7.2PHP 7.3PHP 7.4TYPO3 10.4KostenlosPHP 8.0TYPO3 11.5PHP 8.1PHP 8.2

Change Log

Fluid-Form Change-Log

2024-02-20 Release of version 4.0.12

  • [BUGFIX] Fix accessing undefined functions array index

2024-02-19 Release of version 4.0.11

  • [BUGFIX] Fix accessing undefined functions array index

2024-02-15 Release of version 4.0.10

  • [BUGFIX] Fix compatibility of commands between different PHP versions and versions of symfony/command

2024-02-15 Release of version 4.0.9

  • [BUGFIX] Fix compatibility of commands between different PHP versions and versions of symfony/command
  • [BUGFIX] Fix backend module authorization in TYPO3 12

2023-11-26 Release of version 4.0.8

  • [TASK] Reintegrate old CSS integration with color variable replacement
  • [TASK] Optimize version conditions in PHP code
  • [BUGFIX] Migrate controller modulePrefix initialization in backend module to TYPO3 12, add missing enableNamespacedArgumentsForBackend
  • [TASK] Migrate DatePicker in backend module to TYPO3 12

2023-11-07 Release of version 4.0.7

  • [BUGFIX] Fix php 7.4 compatibility

2023-11-01 Release of version 4.0.6

  • [TASK] Clean up documentation
  • [BUGFIX] Fix get content object for TYPO3 11

2023-10-15 Release of version 4.0.5

  • [TASK] Integrate additional TCA support

2023-10-11 Release of version 4.0.4

  • [BUGFIX] Fix Unknown column table_local in where clause
  • [BUGFIX] Clean up backend module icon
  • [TASK] Migrate TCA for TYPO3 11 and 12

2023-09-19 Release of version 4.0.3

  • [TASK] Create TypoScript constants documentation, see #11

2023-09-13 Release of version 4.0.2

  • [BUGFIX] Fix DatabaseService
  • [TASK] Improve documentation how-tos

2023-09-08 Release of version 4.0.1

  • [BUGFIX] Fix ValidationService if no file was uploaded

2023-09-06 Release of version 4.0.0

  • [TASK] Insert some TypoScript constant translations and fix code style
  • [TASK] Migrate Services and Utilites
  • [TASK] Remove injections from services
  • [TASK] Add missing translations
  • [TASK] Clear BackendController
  • [TASK] Migrate TCA select entries
  • [TASK] Update configs & fix phpstan errors
  • [TASK] Migrate tt_content_drawItem hook for TYPO3 12
  • [TASK] Update extension icons registration
  • [TASK] Remove ObjectManager usage, GeneralUtility::makeInstance used instead
  • [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10

2023-03-27 Release of version 3.1.1

  • [BUGFIX] Fix undefined array key in PHP 8+ in Session handler

2023-01-17 Release of version 3.1.0

  • [BUGFIX] Fix undefined array key in PHP 8+
  • [TASK] Migrate CSH to TCA description and clean up configuration
  • [TASK] Add missing services yaml
  • [TASK] Add meta description to config.json
  • [FEATURE] Add core FluidHTML mails and remove plain text mails (see Migration.md)
  • [TASK] Extend and optimize documentation

2022-08-26 Release of version 3.0.0

  • [TASK] Extend and optimize documentation
  • [FEATURE] Refresh Captcha on invalid requests
  • [TASK] Migrations and optimizations for TYPO3 and PHP 8.0
  • [BUGFIX] Fix getting absolute folder for frontend files
  • [BUGFIX] Fix documentation configuration
  • [TASK] Add documentations configuration

2022-08-19 Release of version 2.5.8

  • [BUGFIX] Add missing composer information

2022-08-18 Release of version 2.5.7

  • [BUGFIX] Fix getting absolute folder for frontend files
  • [BUGFIX] Fix documentation configuration
  • [TASK] Add documentations configuration

2021-05-18 Release of version 2.5.6

  • [TASK] Add extension key in composer.json

2021-05-07 Release of version 2.5.5

  • [TASK] Add another documentation section about JavaScript-Events

2021-01-29 Release of version 2.5.4

  • [BUGFIX] Fix a type error in case of sending an empty Mathguard captcha
  • [TASK] Add another how-to article

2021-01-13 Release of version 2.5.3

  • [TASK] Refactoring des MathGuard source codes

2021-01-04 Release of version 2.5.2

  • [TASK] Add documentation translations

2021-01-04 Release of version 2.5.1

  • [TASK] Add documentation translations

2020-12-05 Release of version 2.5.0

  • [TASK] Add documentation and translations
  • [FEATURE] Add backend search word filtering
  • [BUGFIX] Fix method type definition in TypoScript service
  • [FEATURE] Add backend module for manage mails and requests
  • [TASK] Performance optimization for export scheduler

2020-10-14 Release of version 2.4.5

  • [BUGFIX] Send copy mail to sender
  • [TASK] Code clean up

2020-07-09 Release of version 2.4.4

  • [TASK] Add tags to composer.json

2020-07-01 Release of version 2.4.3

  • [TASK] Move content element wizard to forms tab
  • [TASK] Add missing tag "OpenSource"

2020-06-18 Release of version 2.4.2

  • [TASK] Remove basic, advanced and expert TypoScript constant category
  • [TASK] Add tags to composer.json

2020-05-19 Release of version 2.4.1

  • [TASK] Switch to Hook (PageLayoutViewDrawItemHookInterface) for Backend Preview to avoid interference with other extensions

2020-05-19 Release of version 2.4.0

  • [TASK] remove pages and recursive options from plugin configuration
  • [TASK] Delete form data after sending via email in report command
  • [TASK] Migrate report command from command controller to symfony command
  • [TASK] Remove obsolete realurl configuration
  • [TASK] Correct labels for wizard for new content element
  • [TASK] Add wizard for new content element see #2
  • [TASK] Add Editorconfig configuration
  • [TASK] Add backend preview for plugin element see #1

2020-05-19 Release of version 2.3.0

  • [TASK] Add support for TYPO3 10.4, drop support for TYPO3 8.7

2020-03-16 Release of version 2.2.0

  • [FEATURE] Add Scheduler/CommandController for sending reports for a form
  • [TASK] Rise PHP and TYPO3 version
  • [TASK] Optimize page tree icon for TYPO3 9.5
  • [TASK] Add documentation for PDF in mail attachments

2019-10-13 Release of version 2.1.3

  • [TASK] Remove DEV identifier.
  • [TASK] Add Gitlab-CI configuration.

2019-01-16 Release of version 2.1.2

  • [BUGFIX] Fixing jQuery selector for date picker binding.

2018-10-29 Release of version 2.1.1

  • [TASK] Increasing size of value database field.

2018-09-12 Release of version 2.1.0

  • [TASK] Strip HTML tags for plain text mail.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing Fluid partial/layout typo issue.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing Fluid paths in constants.txt.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing JavaScript-Finisher issue.
  • [TASK] Adding todo for file uploads.
  • [TASK] Solving typos in error messages.
  • [FEATURE] Adding multi select support for select boxes.

2018-03-27 Release of version 2.0.2

  • [BUGFIX] Fixing JavaScript-Finisher issue.

2018-03-27 Release of version 2.0.1

  • [TASK] Adding requireCHashArgumentForActionArguments setting in TypoScript.
  • [TASK] Adding select box custom preset.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing JavaScript-Finisher issue.
  • [TASK] Optimizing TypoScript configuration and settings.

2018-01-09 Release of version 2.0.0

  • [TASK] Migration to Bootstrap 4
  • [TASK] Uploads refactoring

2017-11-21 Release of version 1.4.3

  • [BUGFIX] Fixing versions

2017-11-21 Release of version 1.4.2

  • [BUGFIX] Fixing inline JavaScript error
  • [TASK] Moving JavaScript into Footer
  • [TASK] Remove default JavaScript events

2017-11-09 Release of version 1.4.1

  • [TASK] Presets and documentation

2017-08-30 Release of version 1.4.0

  • [FEATURE] Rendering Email templates by Fluid
  • [FEATURE] Adding a reply to configuration in Mail Finisher
  • [TASK] Cleaning up JSON result data
  • [TASK] Collapsing all fields in form Database records
  • [TASK] TCA and preset optimized
  • [FEATURE] Database finisher excludeFromDb field setting
  • [TASK] Refactor upload logic
  • [TASK] Mail subject prefixed with themes.configuration.siteName"
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing missed fieldset preset for CallBack form

2017-07-09 Release of version 1.3.0

  • [BUGFIX] Mathguard bugfix for calculating and comparing code
  • [FEATURE] Mail finisher ability for creating PDF for sender and receiver. PDF will be attached to the mails.
  • [TASK] Using a default TCA field for form selection. Attention: form.pagets must be modified!
  • [TASK] Loading bootstrap-fileinput only from CDN
  • [TASK] Move JavaScript into footer
  • [TASK] TypoScript clean up (each predefined form get's an own static template)
  • [FEATURE] Database finisher for saving form data in database
  • [FEATURE] Hidden field value is now excludable by excludeFromMail = 1 from mail content
  • [FEATURE] Checkbox label is able to be displayed formatted raw (no use of HTML special chars)
  • [TASK] Optimize label handling in email and presets
  • [TASK] Foreach warning in cleanup return data
  • [TASK] PHPDoc optimized
  • [TASK] Sourcecode optimization (use statements in Controller)
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing send form on website root (in this case there is no pageUid, which is necessary for cHash calculation) - f:form now uses noCacheHash=1
  • [TASK] Cleanup JSON-Result
  • [FEATURE] Empty field validator for Honeypot implementation.
  • [TASK] TypoScript skip default arguments
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing Session restore method - This method should always return an array.
  • [TASK] Removed usage of REQUEST and replaced it with GeneralUtility-Method.
  • [FEATURE] Form configuration get a new attribute addQueryString. This is by default disabled.
  • [FEATURE] Add a Partial for Hidden fields. Additionally hidden fields can be prefilled by TypoScript.
  • [TASK] MathGuard refactoring
  • [FEATURE] Notice text is able to be displayed formatted raw (no use of HTML special chars)
  • [TASK] Radio-Button CSS settings
  • [TASK] Preselection of Radio-Button
  • [FEATURE] Adding radio button
  • [TASK] Insert Fluid root pathes in setup.txt
  • [TASK] Check if there's at least one active finisher.
  • [TASK] Add NotEmpty validation for Checkbox.
  • [TASK] Setting reply-to-email-address into mail.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing CSS class in Chechbox Patrial
  • [TASK] Readability of Captcha optimized
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing invalid download/upload links in EmailFinisher
  • [TASK] Split static templates for date picker and upload

2016-02-15 Release of version 1.2.0

  • [FEATURE] Adding MathGuard Captcha
  • [FEATURE] Adding date, time and datetime field

2016-02-05 Release of version 1.1.0

  • [FEATURE] Adding realurl configuration
  • [FEATURE] Adding upload field
  • [FEATURE] Adding checkbox field
  • [FEATURE] Adding file download by link

2016-01-24 Release of version 1.0.0

  • [FEATURE] Adding configuration option for ajaxActionPid
TYPO3 Fluid-Form Erweiterung

TYPO3 Fluid-Form

Erstelle einfache Formulare mit TypoScript und Fluid

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  • Produkt Dokumentation
  • Zeitlich unbegrenzte Nutzung

Preis 0,00 € exkl. MwSt.

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