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TYPO3 Isotope


Mit der TYPO3 Isotope Extension lassen sich Inhalte in diversen Rastern ausgeben und nach vorgegebenen Kategorien filtern. Bei der Filterung werden die Inhalte dann mittels einer kleinen Animation neu angeordnet. Dabei sind verschiedene Templates definierbar, die sich auch auf z.B. einer Datei-Collection anwenden lassen.


Diese TYPO3 Extension basiert auf der Bibliothek Isotope. Die Bibliothek isotope.js ist nicht Teil dieser Erweiterung und wird von einer CDN-URL geladen. Bitte beachte die Lizenzbedingungen dieser Bibliothek!


Key Features

Zuweisung von Kategorien zur Filterung der Inhalte möglich
Animierte Neu-Anordnung der gefilterten Inhalte
Durch verschiedene Templates individualisierbar
 € 200,00 ex. VAT


DeutschEnglischStableTYPO3 8.7PremiumTYPO3 9.5PHP 7.4TYPO3 10.4PHP 8.0TYPO3 11.5PHP 8.1PHP 8.2TYPO3 12.4

Change Log

Isotope Change-Log

2024-04-22 Release of version 4.0.6

  • [TASK] Add header and footer in backend modules
  • [BUGFIX] Fix backend module authorization in TYPO3 12
  • [TASK] Optimize version conditions in PHP code
  • [TASK] Migrate controller modulePrefix initialization in backend module to TYPO3 12
  • [TASK] Backend filter migration

2023-11-07 Release of version 4.0.5

  • [BUGFIX] Fix backend module paths for TYPO3 11

2023-11-07 Release of version 4.0.4

  • [BUGFIX] Fix PHP 7.4 support

2023-11-01 Release of version 4.0.3

  • [TASK] Clean up documentation
  • [BUGFIX] Fix get content object for TYPO3 11

2023-10-18 Release of Version 4.0.2

  • [BUGFIX] Fix TCA configuration for template selection TYPO3 11

2023-10-16 Release of Version 4.0.1

  • [BUGFIX] Fix the page type registration in backend

2023-10-16 Release of Version 4.0.0

  • [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10

2023-02-26 Release of Version 3.2.0

  • [TASK] Migrate CSH into TCA descriptions
  • [TASK] Allow pages in container so that translated container are possible
  • [TASK] Prevent creating isotope records on standard pages

2022-07-19 Release of Version 3.1.0

  • [TASK] Add missing translations
  • [TASK] Redirect into Isotope module when selecting an Isotope container
  • [FEATURE] Add cross links between Isotope storages and plugins

2022-07-15 Release of Version 3.0.0

  • [TASK] Add backend module
  • [TASK] Add template without filter and translations
  • [TASK] Add logic for custom active state CSS class in filter
  • [FEATURE] Add page type and plugin selection for record storage
  • [TASK] Normalize configuration and documentation
  • [TASK] Migration for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8
  • [TASK] Preparations for TYPO3 11
  • [TASK] Add documentations configuration

2021-05-05 Release of Version 2.0.1

  • [TASK] Add example static template for ColorBox usage
  • [BUGFIX] Fix usage of image in ColorBoxGallery Template

2021-05-03 Release of Version 2.0.0

  • [TASK] Add german translations
  • [TASK] Add more translations
  • [BUGFIX] Fix category list in TCA and add alphabetic sorting
  • [TASK] Preparations for TYPO3 10 migration

2020-11-05 Release of Version 1.4.3

  • [BUGFIX] Fix version and tags

2020-08-20 Release of Version 1.4.2

  • [BUGFIX] Moved extra tags to the right scope in composer.json

2020-08-20 Release of Version 1.4.1

  • [TASK] Added extra tags to composer.json

2020-05-27 Release of Version 1.4.0

  • [TASK] Cleanup Change-Log
  • [FEATURE] Insert sorting field in items
  • [BUGFIX] Set correct RootPaths-Constants in setup.typoscript

2020-02-27 Release of version 1.3.0

  • [FEATURE] Integration of support service

2019-10-10 Release of version 1.2.0

  • [TASK] Migration for TYPO3 9.5.
  • [TASK] Remove plugin on page TypoScript condition.
  • [TASK] Remove Dev identifier.
  • [TASK] TCA refactoring.
  • [TASK] Add Gitlab-CI configuration.
  • [TASK] Changing links inside documentation. Adding editorconfig-file.

2018-01-10 Release of version 1.1.0

  • [FEATURE] Adding file collection for displaying galleries.
TYPO3 Isotope Erweiterung

TYPO3 Isotope

Gestalte mit unserer Lightbox gallery Inhalte in Rastern und Kategorien

Premium-Support für 1 Projekt

  • 12 Montate Updates
  • Support- & Issue-Tracker Zugang
  • Produkt Dokumentation
  • Zeitlich unbegrenzte Nutzung

Preis 200,00 € exkl. MwSt.

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