TYPO3 Shop
Die TYPO3-Shop Erweiterung ist ein simpler und einfach zu nutzender Shop. Wenn Du bereits eine voll funktionsfähige TYPO3-Webseite hast und einen simplen Shop benötigst, ist unsere Shop-Erweiterung genau die richtige Wahl. Du kannst Deine Produkte mit Kategorien, Tags und Tag-Kategorien strukturieren. Staffelpreise, Hervorhebungen, unterschiedliche Lieferkosten und vieles mehr ist möglich.
Der modulare Bestellvorgang beinhaltet Anfragen, Rechnungskauf, Vorauskasse und Bezahlung mit PayPal sowie PayPal Plus. Individuelle Bestellvorgänge und Warenkorb-Berechnungen sind durch erweiterung der Shop-Erweiterung möglich.
Die TYPO3-Shop-Erweiterung ist mit der TYPO3-AMP-Erweiterung kompatibel. Somit kann jedes Produkt auch im AMP-Format (accelerated mobile pages) angezeigt werden.
Eine Migration von tt_products ist möglich - benötigst Du Unterstützung? Kontaktiere uns!
Key Features
Basic | Basic + Pro | |
Schnellsuche für Startseite oder Seitenleiste | ||
Suchfilter und benutzerdefinierte Listenansichten | ||
Teaser-Element für Startseite oder Seitenleiste | ||
HTML- oder Plain-Text E-Mails | ||
Mindestbestellwert konfigurierbar | ||
Produkt-Typen und Varianten individuell konfigurierbar | ||
Produkte nach Kategorien gruppierbar (Mehrfachzuordnung möglich) | ||
Gruppieren von Produkten anhand von Tags und Tag-Kategorien (Mehrfachzuordnung möglich) | ||
Staffelpreise für Produkte | ||
Unterschiedliche Versandkosten pro Produkt, basierend auf Gewicht und Lieferland | ||
Produkte hervorheben oder in der Liste ganz oben anzeigen via Checkbox | ||
Benutzerdefinierte Produktattribute (kategorisierbar), welche die Produkt-Vergleichsansicht erweitern | ||
B2B und B2C vorkonfiguriert | ||
Einfache Lagerlogik mit automatisierter Reduzierung | ||
Kaufabwicklung auf Anfrage, auf Rechnung oder Vorkasse | ||
Storno-Rechnungen für Retouren | ||
Einfach anpassbares Checkout-Formular inkl. abweichender optionaler Lieferadresse | ||
Statistik über den Produktaufruf (je letzter Tag, Monat, Jahr und insgesamt) | ||
Dokumente in Produkten möglich (statische Auswahl, per Kategorie, per Verzeichnis) | ||
FAQ in Produkten via EXT:questions möglich | ||
Automatische Brutto-/Nettopreisberechnung mit vordefinierten Steuersätzen | ||
Steuersätze können je Lieferland abweichend konfiguriert werden | ||
Frei konfigurierbare zusätzliche Attribute im Product, basierend auf dem Produkt-Typen/Varianten (inkl. Typisierung, eigene Label in FE+BE, etc.) | ||
Isotope-Support und Endless-Scrolling für Listenansicht | ||
Frontend-Benutzer können Ihre Bestellungen im Frontend einsehen | ||
Frontend-Benutzer während des Checkouts erstellen | ||
Backend Dashboard-Widgets für die Top-Clicked Produkte, neuste Bestellungen und Top-Selling Produkte | ||
Backendmodul zur Verwaltung von Produkten und Bestellungen | ||
Backend-Modul zur Einsicht von Statistiken zu Besuchern und Käufen | ||
Zuweisung von Frontend-Benutzergruppen bei erfolgreichem Kauf möglich | ||
Automatisches Anhängen von Produkt-Dokumente an die Kauf-Bestätigungsmail möglich. Bspw. um digitale Käufe bereitzustellen. | ||
PDF-Generator für Produkt-Dokumente (Datenblatt, Rechnung, Lieferschein) | ||
Digitale Produkte ohne Menge usw. (bspw. für E-Books o.ä.) | ||
Frontend-Plugin zur Listung von zeitlich-begrenzten und zugriffs-geschützten Bezahl-Downloads | ||
Definiere Zubehör und erforderliches Zubehür für Produkte | ||
Kunden Informationen und Hinweise an den Warenkorb-Produkten, um Produkte customizen zu können. | ||
PayPal Bestellvorgang | ||
PayPal Plus Bestellvorgang | ||
Klarna Bestellvorgang (pay_now Klarna Payments) | ||
Stripe Bestellvorgang (Kreditkarte) | ||
Stripe Abo-System für Portale mit wiederkehrenden Zahlungen | ||
Merkzettel-Funktion für Produkte | ||
Vergleichsfunktion für Merkzettel-Produkte | ||
Automatische Rechnungs- und Lieferschein-Generierung | ||
Erneutes Absenden von Bestellmails inkl. Rechnungs-PDF für Backend-Benutzer | ||
Manuelle Erstellung von Bestellungen im Backendmodul | ||
UPS-API-Verbindung möglich (EXT:ups_api erforderlich) | ||
Lieferschein an Admin- oder Kundenmail anhängen | ||
Bestell-XML an die Admin-E-Mail anhängen oder als XML-Datei im Dateisystem ablegen | ||
Übersicht der Bestellungen im Frontend auch Benutzer-Übergreifend möglich (Benutzer bspw. gruppiert nach Kunde/Firma) | ||
Aufbau eines Corporate Fashion Shops möglich | ||
CSV-Export der Datensätze im Backend | ||
€ 0,00 ex. VAT | € 1.000,00 ex. VAT |
Change Log
Shop Change-Log
2024-11-27 Release of version 4.7.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix wrong documentation path for product-types
- [TASK] Add sorting option for tag concatenate or-but-category-and in product search
2024-11-07 Release of version 4.7.2
- [TASK] Add discount calculations to shop products and display in detail view
- [BUGFIX] Fix summed up basket order values for newly created basket orders
- [BUGFIX] Fix 503 error on the history/undo page opened on a page with a produkt list plugin
2024-11-05 Release of version 4.7.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix summed up values on saving basketorders records of type manual and return
- [BUGFIX] Fix PayPal callback action and ensure payment type is correct
- [BUGFIX] Make category checkbox in the isotope filter optional
- [BUGFIX] Fix endless scrolling template paths and selector for binding JavaScript logic
- [BUGFIX] Fix product list whe displaying foreign languages
2024-10-24 Release of version 4.7.0
- [TASK] Optimize visiblity of tables and fiels in backend
- [TASK] Add possibility to count total number of products and pass to view
- [FEATURE] Set Javascript Event when loading items dynamically
- [FEATURE] Align category checkboxes to associated tag checkboxes
- [TASK] Optimizing quick start documentation
- [BUGFIX] Fix accessing undefined array index in backend context of form-engine field
- [BUGFIX] Fix word reset in filter functionality
- [TASK] Disallow product variants in tax values to relations wizard
- [TASK] Increase custom product attributes from 8 to 12 fields
- [BUGFIX] Fix tag filter with checkboxes in frontend
- [FEATURE] Add possibility to search in variants of products
- [TASK] Add possibility to count total number of products and pass to view
- [TASK] Add style select-box to product attributes in backend
- [TASK] Add more documentation pages
- [TASK] Migrate TypoScript imports from old to new syntax
- [BUGFIX] Fix query to remove basket order duplicates in backend list view
2024-09-12 Release of version 4.6.5
- [BUGFIX] Fix creating frontend users during PayPal Checkout callback and undefined array index accesses
- [BUGFIX] Reinsert showinpreview database field in sys_file_reference in order to ensure the related upgrade wizard works
2024-09-12 Release of version 4.6.4
- [TASK] Add sub-title and description field in product type
2024-09-10 Release of version 4.6.3
- [BUGFIX] Prevent double click on order in a restricted scope
- [BUGFIX] Fix endless scrolling for different list types
2024-09-10 Release of version 4.6.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix product export csv
- [TASK] Optimize product type attributes labels`
- [TASK] Add backend disabled filter for product list
- [TASK] Add missing translation labels
- [TASK] Migrate 'showinpreview' field in sys_file_reference to 'preview', because that field (which is provided by the News extensions as well) has change his functionality!
- [TASK] Optimize doucmentation for creating frontend user during checkout
2024-09-06 Release of version 4.6.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix original relation for translated documentation page
2024-09-06 Release of version 4.6.0
- [BUGFIX] Remove test-mail command, because it is not compatible anymore
- [FEATURE] Add base logic for creating frontend user during checkout process, which is included in Por version
- [TASK] Extend documentation and FAQ pages
- [BUGFIX] Fix payment urls without chash
- [TASK] Add an hour option for time limited downloads
- [TASK] Add condition for fetching the content data for TYPO3 11/12
- [TASK] Migrate utf8_encode/decode functionality in order to avoid deprecatiopn warnings in PHP 8.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix update wizard identifier string
- [BUGFIX] Escape percent character in log messages
- [TASK] Migrate decrease stock feature into an event
- [TASK] Add backend basket order list product filter
2024-07-24 Release of version 4.5.0
- [TASK] Add GTIN field to product/type records
- [IMPORTANT][FEATURE] Change the default shipping-costs/tax-rates, into ones which are used with unknown delivery-country only! You might need to counfigure the default values for the respective countries!
- [TASK] Add refund columns to basket order list view
- [BUGFIX] Fix price summary on saving refund type basket order
- [BUGFIX] Fix endless scrolling setting, which might be undefined
2024-07-24 Release of version 4.4.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix stripe checkout callback
- [TASK] Add logging for callback debugging
2024-07-24 Release of version 4.4.0
- [TASK] Provide recentCheckout data, recentBasket data and recentBasketOrder data into the Success.html/view
- [FEATURE] Integrate an endless scrolling/lazy loading in frontend product list of pro version
- [BUGFIX] Fix constraints in repositories
2024-07-08 Release of version 4.3.0
- [FEATURE] Make country field multiselect in taxes overlay
- [FEATURE] Make country field multiselect in shipping overlay
- [BUGFIX] Add logic for handling country codes in both ISO2 and UID values
- [TASK] Remove unused mm table
2024-06-03 Release of version 4.2.0
- [TASK] Add setter for product variants
- [FEATURE] Add time limited downloads
- [FEATURE] Add product accessories and accessories required for pro-version
- [FEATURE] Integrate return invoice, closes #164
- [FEATURE] Add product fill fields from parent events
2024-04-18 Release of version 4.1.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix related products on product variants
2024-04-11 Release of version 4.1.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix creating invoice numbers in a multi-language environment
- [TASK] Optimize error handline for success page redirect
- [BUGFIX] Fix accessing undefined array key in backend list
2024-03-25 Release of version 4.1.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix reading custom-information in AJAX requests
2024-03-21 Release of version 4.1.0
- [FEATURE] Add customer information and instructions on the shopping cart products in order to be able to customize products.
- [BUGFIX] Don't throw an error, if no maximum order value for a payment type is setted
- [TASK] Set an empty default value for cc of basket order admin mails
- [BUGFIX] Manipulate inputs for fixing submit search/reset
- [FEATURE] Introduce minimum and maximum order value based on payment type
- [TASK] Optimize button margins in frontend
- [TASK] Optimize product filter logic in frontend when no tag-multiple-checkbox is chosen
- [TASK] Add TypoScript option for hiding color and size in order mail
- [BUGFIX] Prevent double click on submit buttons, for example the checkout confirm page
2024-02-09 Release of version 4.0.6
- [BUGFIX] Prevent issues on non available cc mail configuration
2024-02-07 Release of version 4.0.5
- [TASK] Assume configured sorting of color/size on frontend variant filters
2024-02-06 Release of version 4.0.4
- [TASK] Add translations, color and size in invoice, delivery-note and emails
- [TASK] Name fe_user.title into possible frontend user data mapping
- [TASK] Name fe_user.name into possible frontend user data mapping
- [BUGFIX] Fix accessing non existing user name array index in abstract checkout
- [BUGFIX] Fix usage of disabled products in invoices
2024-01-26 Release of version 4.0.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix usage of question categories in products
- [TASK] Add missing documentation link
2024-01-17 Release of version 4.0.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix usage of product variants and missing base product properties
- [TASK] Preparations for admin order list plugin in pro-version
2024-01-15 Release of version 4.0.1
- [TASK] Optimize shipping costs including the documentation about shipping costs logic
- [TASK] Refactoring of order mails and add missing shipping costs in summary
- [BUGFIX] Fix shipping cost usage with basket order weight 0
- [BUGFIX] Fix graduated prices calculation on gross-price products
- [TASK] Change delivery note creation possible from is-send to is-paid
2024-01-11 Release of version 4.0.0
- [BUGFIX] Fix product list filter settings/caching
- [FEATURE] Add reset button for list search
- [TASK] Migration for bootstrap 5
- [BUGFIX] Remove try-catch from middleware because this sucks exception details
- [TASK] Add backend pdf routes, closes #141
- [TASK] Add frontent templates for displaying custom attributes
- [TASK] Optimize version conditions in PHP code
- [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10
- [TASK] Add RTE as custom attribute type, see #135
- [TASK] Cleanup, closes #120
- [TASK] Add missing translations, see #130
- [TASK] Add product type filter to BE product overview, see #133
- [TASK] Add tag category filter to BE tags module, see #132
- [TASK] Add formatted weight and bulky information in product variant view in Backend
- [BUGFIX] Fix usage of og_image array key in product detail view
- [TASK] Refactor finish order by using events for attachments and generated files
- [BUGFIX] Fix inconsistent usage of sendMail in checkout services
- [FEATURE] Add delivery note to admin|customer mail
- [TASK] Updates for Overview of orders in the front end feature
- [TASK] Add CC for order mails
- [TASK] Add repository query constraints for backend color and size filters
- [TASK] Sync language files
- [TASK] Optimize icons in TCA
- [FEATURE] Introduce shipping cost based on weight and delivery country
- [BUGFIX] Fix migrate product size and color wizard if existing string value, see #114
- [TASK] Add migration wizard for product type
- [TASK] Add graduated prices sort by quantity
- [BUGFIX] Fix migrate net gross prices wizard if database field not exists
- [TASK] Add import ids to product size, color and type
- [FEATURE] Add color and size backend modules and upgrade wizard, see #110
- [BUGFIX] Fix product color amount model helper
- [TASK] Add backend alert in product overview if no type, color or tag records, see #109
- [TASK] Add some Product model helper getter for color, size and price
- [FEATURE] Implement color and size as reusable objects
- [TASK] Optimize TCA and display type only on new products
- [TASK] Add image in product type record
- [TASK] Add custom labels and types for attributes, see #106
- [TASK] Add missing getters and setters for manage product variants #104
- [BUGFIX] Fix taxes summary in basket view
- [WIP] Add product type module and product variant summary view
- [FEATURE] Add tax country overlays, see #103
- [TASK] Add data-count attribute to basket button badge see #101
- [FEATURE] Add videos for products, see #100
- [TASK] Add documentation translation and configuration, see #99
- [TASK] Update stripe customer on profile update
- [TASK] Update product repository for digital filter, see #91
- [FEATURE] Add digital products
- [TASK] Optimize labels in product TCA, see #83
- [TASK] Remove email compare for logged in users
- [TASK] Switch from Charge API to Payment Intent API
- [TASK] Make basket items editable only for manual orders
- [BUGFIX] Remove secret key from basket order parameters
- [TASK] Add order detail page
- [TASK] Add price and date to order list
- [TASK] Add invoice and delivery note downloads to order plugin
- [TASK] Show error message in order plugin if not logged in
- [TASK] Add search word filter repository changes to basket order repository, see #25
- [BUGFIX] Add product getter and setter to product attribute model
- [TASK] Remove ComputeProductPricesCommand and TaxCalculation, because it is no longer required
- [!!!][TASK] Refactor price handling in products and graduated price - see Migration.md!
- [TASK] Migrate TCA and other configuration using Rector
- [TASK] Migrate ext_tables to TCA/Overrides
- [TASK] Connect Frontend user with Stripe customer
- [TASK] Migrate CSH into TCA description
- [TASK] Add type filter for Basket Order
- [FEATURE] Attach frontend user groups on successful purchase
- [TASK] Migrate from downloadmanager into regular file collections
- [TASK] Add migration wizard for connecting basket orders with frontend users
- [BUGFIX] Fix admin mail for request checkout
- [TASK] Optimize code style using cs-fixer
- [TASK] Optimize code by using phpstan
- [FEATURE] Use frontend user in checkout, if one is logged-in
- [TASK] Optimize basketorder backend module filter, see shop_pro #58
- [BUGFIX] Remove required from TCA slug field
- [FEATURE] Add gender to the basket checkout fields
- [TASK] Move the
in BasketFooterRow above theadditionalPrices
in order to display it even withoutadditionalPrices
- [BUGFIX] Fix request/invoice button label in basket overview
- [TASK] Add TCA definition for
- [TASK] Remove product record types completely
- [TASK] Add repository methods for shop_pro modules
- [BUGFIX] Fix issues for PHP 8.0+
- [BUGFIX] Fix issue in TypoScript service based on guidelines
- [TASK] Extend user and basket order tables for stripe
- [TASK] Add manage tax view
- [TASK] Add tax relation to product records
- [TASK] Add widget for top clicked products
- [FEATURE] Add click counter for products
2023-11-01 Release of version 3.2.9
- [BUGFIX] Fix some PHP warnings
2023-09-07 Release of version 3.2.8
- [TASK] Add some more logging for checkouts
2023-09-05 Release of version 3.2.7
- [BUGFIX] Provide upgrade wizard for date field type modification
2023-08-14 Release of version 3.2.6
- [BUGFIX] Show zero tax in basket item row if order is not vatable
- [BUGFIX] Fix basket initialization
2023-07-14 Release of version 3.2.5
- [BUGFIX] Fix tax calculation with multiple products in basket
- [BUGFIX] Fix some undefined array index usages
2023-03-13 Release of version 3.2.4
- [BUGFIX] Fix discount value type casting
2023-02-27 Release of version 3.2.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix invalid meta data nesting in documentation
2023-02-27 Release of version 3.2.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix invalid page link in documentation
2022-12-29 Release of version 3.2.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix request checkout and checkout button label
- [BUGFIX] Migrate TypoScript conditions in tsconfig
- [BUGFIX] Fix base domain model properties mapping
2022-08-18 Release of version 3.2.0
- [FEATURE] Menu processor
- [TASK] Filter tags and categories by selected storage in product plugin
- [TASK] Make preview image selectable
- [TASK] Make fields price, tax and price_with_tax readonly in basket order
2022-08-16 Release of version 3.1.0
- [FEATURE] Add select fields to the checkout form
- [BUGFIX] Revert tca changes fot date fields in basket order
- [BUGFIX] Fix doubled and incomplete og:image tags
2022-08-15 Release of version 3.0.0
- [BUGFIX] Fix localization parent in TCA
- [BUGFIX] Fix datetime evaluation for datetime fields in basket order
- [TASK] Remove objectmanager usage for image-service
- [BUGFIX] Do not use typed property for importId
- [TASK] Remove typo3 version checks
- [TASK] Remove calls to ObjectManager object
- [TASK] Override database log writer
- [TASK] Remove beforeProductDetailsRendering and beforeProductListRendering slots
- [TASK] Adjust event listener documentation
- [TASK] Remove afterPayPalCallback signal
- [TASK] Remove showRecordFieldList from TCA example
- [TASK] Move extension icon into public resources
- [TASK] Migration for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8
- [TASK] Preparations for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8
- [TASK] Remove objectmanager usage for image-service
2022-12-29 Release of version 2.16.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix request checkout and checkout button label
- [BUGFIX] Fix TypoScript constant naming
2022-09-09 Release of version 2.16.2
- [BUGFIX] Migrate TypoScript condition
- [BUGFIX] Fix base domain model properties mapping
2022-08-18 Release of version 2.16.1
- [TASK] Add menu processor documentation
2022-08-17 Release of version 2.16.0
- [FEATURE] Menu processor
- [TASK] Filter tags and categories by selected storage in product plugin
2022-08-16 Release of version 2.15.0
- [FEATURE] Add select fields to the checkout form
2022-07-25 Release of version 2.14.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix datetime evaluation for datetime fields in basket order
- [TASK] Remove objectmanager usage for image-service
- [BUGFIX] Do not use typed property for importId
- [TASK] Make indexer hook for EXT:ke_search compatible with ke_search >= 4.0.0
- [TASK] Add field "import_id" for product attributes
2022-03-29 Release of version 2.14.2
- [TASK] Add configuration documentation translations
- [TASK] Add documentation for signal slots
- [TASK] Add field "import_id" for product categories
2022-03-02 Release of version 2.14.1
- [BUGFIX] Disable some default constants
2022-02-25 Release of version 2.14.0
- [TASK] Normalize configuration settings
- [TASK] Compare and adjust translations for TypoScript constants
- [FEATURE] Email attachment files in product record
- [BUGFIX] Fix documentation configuration
- [TASK] Add documentations configuration
2021-11-24 Release of version 2.13.0
- [FEATURE] Add Discount objects for products.
2021-11-02 Release of version 2.12.1
- [TASK] Adjustment of the PayPal checkout documentation.
2021-09-15 Release of version 2.12.0
[FEATURE] Add Stripe credit card as payment provider.
[TASK] Corrected Typoscript constants changes
[TASK] Defined Typoscript constants - moved out of setup
2021-09-06 Release of version 2.11.0
- [FEATURE] Add checkout option for requiring the buyer to enter his email address twice
2021-08-27 Release of version 2.10.3
- [TASK] Add transaction number to order summary template
2021-07-15 Release of version 2.10.2
- [TASK] Add simple phone number verification
2021-07-09 Release of version 2.10.1
- [TASK] Optimize error handling for Klarna payment
2021-07-05 Release of version 2.10.0
- [FEATURE] Add Klarna payment
- [TASK] Fix typo in english translations
- [TASK] !!! Move PayPal-Plus JavaScript file from TypoScript into ConfirmOrder.html - see information in Migration.md
- [TASK] Extend documentation for EXT:shop_import
2021-06-09 Release of version 2.9.1
- [TASK] Add documentation for EXT:shop_import
2021-05-31 Release of version 2.9.0
- [TASK] Adding information for PayPal Checkout in Documentation
- [BUGFIX] Fix broken image path
2021-05-27 Release of version 2.8.9
- [TASK] Enhance Documentation for Command/ComputeProductPrices
- [TASK] Enhance Documentation for PayPalPlus
2021-05-26 Release of version 2.8.8
- [BUGFIX] Set correct pathes to images in documentation
2021-05-26 Release of version 2.8.7
- [BUGFIX] Set correct pathes to images and links in documentation
2021-05-26 Release of version 2.8.6
- [TASK] Restructure Documentation
- [TASK] Add more information to the documentation
- [TASK] Fix typo in documentation
2021-05-15 Release of version 2.8.5
- [TASK] Add more extension information
2021-05-15 Release of version 2.8.4
- [TASK] Add free TYPO3 extension repository release
2021-05-06 Release of version 2.8.3
- [BUGFIX] PDF invoice file name
2021-04-30 Release of version 2.8.2
- [TASK] Add getter for product pdf description
- [TASK] Add tax id in pdf invoice for inland b2b
2021-04-16 Release of version 2.8.1
- [TASK] Split mail attachment configuration for admin and customer emails
- [BUGFIX] Fix mail attachment for TYPO3 9
2021-04-06 Release of version 2.8.0
- [FEATURE] Add a canonical link in products and add a sitemap.xml data provider
- [BUGFIX] Fix fetching related downloadmanager file collections
2021-02-25 Release of version 2.7.6
- [TASK] Add 'processed' filter to basket order backend module
2021-02-15 Release of version 2.7.5
- [TASK] Add documentation EN translation files
- [TASK] Documentation correction and translation to german
- [TASK] Remove beforeProductDetailsRendering and beforeProductListRendering signals
2021-01-19 Release of version 2.7.4
- [TASK] Labels for ups shipping feature
- [BUGFIX] Fix reading vat id if it's not in use in frontend
2021-01-08 Release of version 2.7.3
- [BUGFIX] Double display of personal data in confirm order View
- [TASK] ComputeProductPrices command Documentation
- [TASK] Remove callback creation from PayPal checkout documentation
2021-01-08 Release of version 2.7.2
- [TASK] Pass selected country as language to PayPal Plus
2021-01-07 Release of version 2.7.1
- [TASK] Added loading indication to PayPal Plus payment wall
2021-01-06 Release of version 2.7.0
- [FEATURE] Price calculation command
2021-01-06 Release of version 2.6.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix Isotope tag filter
2021-01-05 Release of version 2.6.0
- [FEATURE] PayPal Plus checkout
2020-12-17 Release of version 2.5.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix update and information row
- [TASK] Normalize some translation values
- [TASK] Add testmail command
2020-12-09 Release of version 2.5.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix ExtensionUtility for TYPO3 10
2020-12-09 Release of version 2.5.1
- [BUGFIX] Reset basket service on recalculate basket
2020-12-09 Release of version 2.5.0
- [BUGFIX] Fix vatable identification for inland basket orders
- [TASK] Use a short label for articlenumber in checkout table
- [FEATURE] Add additional checkout row for shipping information
2020-12-09 Release of version 2.4.0
- [TASK] Remove all vat information from checkout confirmation when order isn't vatable
- [FEATURE] Add a vat notice in basket confirmation, basket order in backend and in invoice PDF
- [FEATURE] Add Vatable, VAT-ID and VAT-Zone in basket order - this is required to identify the vatable behaviour
- [FEATURE] Add fields in checkout: VAT-ID, housenumber and country
- [FEATURE] Add country select field including configuration for default settings
- [FEATURE] Add support for different taxes in a single order
- [TASK] Add product no basket view and optimize columns
- [TASK] Add unit/factor information and subtile in basket view
- [TASK] Optimize and extend translations and label
- [BUGFIX] Fix types in TypoScript service and domain model
2020-12-04 Release of version 2.3.3
- [TASK] Optimize default Stylesheets
- [TASK] Optimize error messages when basket order initialization failed
- [BUGFIX] Fix wrong value sign in negative shipping costs in order confirmation view
- [BUGFIX] Fix wrong PayPal price value for payment
- [BUGFIX] Fix wrong type definition in basket model and add comments about tax values
- [BUGFIX] Fix setting wrong price value when updating the basket order on re-confirm
- [BUGFIX] Change tax field in basket order from percent into currency value
2020-12-02 Release of version 2.3.2
- [TASK] Working on documentation
- [TASK] Optimize tax formatting in basket view
- [TASK] Optimize basket order fields in backend views by TCA
- [TASK] Optimize shipping costs and shipping costs documentation
- [BUGFIX] Fix B2C basket calculations with graduated prices
2020-12-01 Release of version 2.3.1
- [TASK] Invoice attachment
- [TASK] Add missing getter/setting in ProductGraduatedPrice model
- [BUGFIX] Add types and lazy loading for creation user in Base model
2020-11-30 Release of version 2.3.0
- [TASK] Add Backend order creation documentation
- [BUGFIX] Add error handling for data container outside of webroot
- [BUGFIX] Fix return types of new date fields in basket order
- [FEATURE] Extension basket order and add invoice creation
- [TASK] Add tax and price with tax to basket order and basket items
- [TASK] Add caching to TypoScript service
- [TASK] Remove tax from basket item row in b2b mode
- [TASK] Add gross/netto feature to graduated prices
- [FEATURE] Backend order creation
- [TASK] Add extbase mapping for TYPO3 10
- [TASK] Signal slot in PayPal callback
- [TASK] Optimize labels and information about taxes and b2b/b2c mode
- [BUGFIX] Fix reading Setup TypoScript configuration in Backend context
- [BUGFIX] Fix versions in ext_emconf.php
- [TASK] Round float values in basket processing
- [FEATURE] A checkbox to indicate which orders have already been processed
- [BUGFIX] findAllForBackendList method in BasketOrderRepository
2020-11-16 Release of version 2.2.3
- [TASK] Route enhancer documentation
- [TASK] Moved PayPal checkout service to shop_pro
- [TASK] Optimize debugging and logging
2020-11-03 Release of version 2.2.2
- [BUGFIX] Generate paypal return links after generation of a new basket order object
- [BUGFIX] Redirect to error page after failed checkout
- [BUGFIX] Redirect to success page after successful checkout
2020-11-03 Release of version 2.2.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix JavaScript method definition bug in older browsers
2020-11-03 Release of version 2.2.0
- [FEATURE] Delivery address
- [TASK] Update PayPal checkout documentation
2020-11-02 Release of version 2.1.5
- [TASK] Add documemtation files
- [TASK] Set max php version to 7.4.99
2020-10-16 Release of version 2.1.4
- [BUGFIX] Information row in shop flexform
2020-10-11 Release of version 2.1.3
- [TASK] Add extra tags in composer.json
2020-10-11 Release of version 2.1.2
- [BUGFIX] Change database type for description_file to integer
- [TASK] Add filter for selections in product TCA
2020-10-11 Release of version 2.1.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix usage of description files in products
2020-09-15 Release of version 2.1.0
- [FEATURE] Database logging
- [FEATURE] Setting the gross/net price depending on the store type
- [BUGFIX] Compatibility with TYPO3 9 (TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\MailMessage)
- [TASK] Add support for html emails
- [TASK] Add constants for email templates
2020-09-15 Release of version 2.0.0
- [TASK] Add filter isotope endpoint to Default Layout
- [BUGFIX] Send requests only once per changed tag category to json api (isotope filter)
- [TASK] Save/load isotope filter in/from the session
- [TASK] Display current filter status in the tag/category select box
- [BUGFIX] Add tag uid instead of tag object to session in ProductController
- [BUGFIX] Fixed initial value for category filter selector
- [TASK] Added render type to select types in the flex form
- [TASK] Dont allow the user to put more products in the basket than there are available
- [TASK] EXT:questions and EXT:downloadmanager support
- [TASK] Redirect user back to basket if ordered quantity is greater than stock amount
- [BUGFIX] Check if the ProductCategory image is disabled
- [BUGFIX] Removed usage of shop:html in partial SingleView
- [BUGFIX] Check if the serialized data in SessionHandler is null
- [BUGFIX] Using MailMessage::text() instead of MailMessage::setBody.
- [TASK] Added type hints and PHPDoc strings
- [TASK] Fixed legal notice
- [TASK] Strict types in all php files
- [BUGFIX] Show prices without taxes in b2b shops
- [BUGFIX] Add minimumOrderValueReached to output json in JsonApiController
- [BUGFIX] Casting $settings['storagePid'] to int before setting pid of a basket item in BasketService
- [TASK] Remove debug service
- [TASK] Add csv export for products and product tags
- [TASK] Migrate annotations to Typo3 10
- [TASK] Use TYPO3Fluid instead of TYPO3\CMS namespace for viewhelpers
- [TASK] Use AdditionalTca
- [TASK] Added Configuration/Extbase/Persistence/Classes.php
- [TASK] Migrated KeSearchIndexerConfigurationHook from TYPO3_DB to doctrine-dbal
- [TASK] Move Currency and Percent form elements to EXT:additional_tca
- [TASK] Remove translated relations from product selections in TCA
- [TASK] Remove "NOT NULL" for text fields in ext_tables.sql
- [TASK] Add JavaScript history back method with refresh
- [FEATURE] Add street, postal code and city as predefined field in checkout form
- [FEATURE] Add shipping costs as relation configurable in backend
- [FEATURE] Add minimum order value
- [FEATURE] Add open graph meta data
- [FEATURE] Add graduated prices for products
- [FEATURE] Add pre payment order checkout
- [FEATURE] Add search word fields by TypoScript setting
- [TASK] Rename TypoScript file extensions to .typoscript
- [FEATURE] Add extension configuration for enable/disable product list caching
- [TASK] Optimize error handing in finish checkout service
- [BUGFIX] Fix locallang xliff file errors
- [BUGFIX] Fix cdata wrapping in locallang file
- [FEATURE] Add a slot for manipulating product details data before rendering
- [TASK] Translate locallang**.xlf files (2 csh files)
- [TASK] Add target language in xliff files
- [BUGFIX] Fix error view for BasketOrder controller
- [FEATURE] Add a slot for manipulating product list data before rendering
- [BUGFIX] Fix error handling in checkout
- [TASK] Translate locallang**.xlf files
- [TASK] Performance and caching optimization
2020-01-27 Release of version 1.6.0
- [FEATURE] Finalize stock logic.
- [TASK] Prevent buy a larger amount than products on stock
- [TASK] Add translation keys
- [TASK] Open checkbox confirmation links in checkout process in new browser tab
- [TASK] Change attributes fields to text SQL fields
- [TASK] Add description file getter and setter
- [FEATURE] Add stock logic
- [BUGFIX] Fix Enter key behavior on item quantity change in basket
- [TASK] Add german translation for item quantity change in basket
- [FEATURE] Add tax information per item to basket view
2019-12-11 Release of version 1.5.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix UTF-8 issue in PayPal callback
- [BUGFIX] Fix Fluid mail template closing tag
- [BUGFIX] Fix basketOrder not available in mail templates
- [TASK] Example output in mail templates
- [BUGFIX] Fix unclosed section
2019-12-09 Release of version 1.5.0
- [BUGFIX] Fix email content types
- [BUGFIX] Fix UTF-8 issue in PayPal callback
- [FEATURE] Setup page uid to link at privacy and terms pages in checkout
- [FEATURE] Add switch to change email type (text/plain,text/html)
- [TASK] Remove unused math View Helper
- [TASK] Add some migration hints in Migration.md
- [BUGFIX] Show correct total price in basket
- [TASK] Show prices in checkout according to basket display type
- [BUGFIX] Show correct price with additional costs in order confirmation
- [TASK] Add constant for setting basket display type
- [BUGFIX] Adjust tax calculation
- [BUGFIX] Fix MySQL and Model data types for prices and set paid price in PayPay order finishing
- [TASK] Add documentation for PayPal checkout testing and debugging
- [BUGFIX] Update quantity correctly (issue #2)
2019-11-18 Release of version 1.4.0
- [BUGFIX] Fix items not removed from basket
- [BUGFIX] Fix list pre-filtering for product tags
- [BUGFIX] Fix Fluid template links for detail page
- [BUGFIX] Fix FlexForm/Detail view page uid overriding
- [TASK] Optimizing slug field TCA for TYPO3 9.5
- [BUGFIX] Fix FlexForm translation key for basket button.
- [FEATURE] Refactoring of checkout process including PayPal checkout.
- [FEATURE] Implement possibility to search for multiple tags in a single request.
2019-07-18 Release of version 1.3.0
- [TASK] Added search word facility to product repository for backend overview.
- [TASK] Add getter/setter for stock amount in product model.
- [TASK] Add getter/setter for slug and record type in product model.
- [TASK] Add new content element wizards.
- [TASK] Add mapping for extbase model and restrict backend list access.
- [BUGFIX] Fix usage of no-image.png.
- [BUGFIX] Fix tag pre filtering.
2019-03-06 Release of version 1.2.0
- [FEATURE] Adding record type for products (default, downloads, questions, ...)
- [TASK] TCA refactoring.
- [TASK] JavaScript refactoring.
- [TASK] Adding form engine field for currency and percent.
- [FEATURE] Adding flexform selection, so that products can be displayed immediately without navigating through the list view.
- [TASK] Sort related products in backend by title.
- [TASK] Lazy loading for product attributes.
- [FEATURE] Adding repository methods for backend module.
- [FEATURE] Adding Metatags and titletag for detail view.
- [TASK] Moving products language and access in own tab in TCA.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing SQL table definition - image default value.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing typo in controller usage.
- [TASK] Excluding chash by default.
- [TASK] Removing exclude fields from FlexForm.
2017-12-04 Release of version 1.1.2
- [BUGFIX] Fixing feature icons in Product model
2017-11-22 Release of version 1.1.0
- [BUGFIX] Fixing attribute category handling
- [TASK] Adding product model getter/setter
- [BUGFIX] Fixing product image TCA for different TYPO3 versions
- [FEATURE] Adding showinpreview checkbox in product images (similar to tx_news). Product model supports now
. - [FEATURE] Adding showinpreview checkbox in product featureIcons (similar to tx_news). Product model supports now
. - [FEATURE] Adding a math subtract ViewHelper
- [FEATURE] Adding linkhandler configuration
- [FEATURE] Adding product image links
- [TASK] Adding translations
- [FEATURE] Adding ke_search indexer for products
- [TASK] Adding tooltips for related products tags
- [FEATURE] Adding a bookmark and compare feature
- [TASK] Extending and optimizing a bookmark and compare feature
- [TASK] Remove exclude fields from configuration
- [FEATURE] Extending product attribute categories with a template selection, so that each category can be displayed differently
- [FEATURE] Finalize bookmarks feature
- [BUGFIX] Fixing extension loaded ViewHelper
- [TASK] Migrate Session-Handler
- [TASK] TCA migration for 7.6.x
- [FEATURE] Product get an offer checkbox and an offer-value-field
- [BUGFIX] Refactoring the variant logic and JavaScript library
- [BUGFIX] Update basket item quantity fixed
- [FEATURE] Adding fixed additional costs, like shipping or packing
- [TASK] Moving a getBasketObject method in a new BasketService
- [TASK] Adding Teaser-Text field
Shop-Pro Change-Log
2024-11-05 Release of version 4.4.4
- [BUGFIX] Fix statistics module and widgets
- [BUGFIX] Fix mail attachment event listeners
- [BUGFIX] Replace col selector for endless scrolling item to product-item
2024-10-24 Release of version 4.4.3
- [BUGFIX] Replace wrong label from deviating tax rate to deviating shipping cost
- [TASK] Migrate TypoScript imports
- [BUGFIX] Remove unused PageTS imports
- [BUGFIX] Fix backend product csv export
2024-09-12 Release of version 4.4.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix creating frontend users during PayPal Checkout callback
2024-09-10 Release of version 4.4.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix encoding in PayPal Checkout callback
- [TASK] Add backend disabled filter for product list
- [TASK] Add missing translation labels
2024-09-06 Release of version 4.4.0
- [FEATURE] Add event listener for creating frontend user during checkout process
- [BUGFIX] Fix payment urls without chash
- [BUGFIX] Fix logging with special characters like %
- [BUGFIX] Fix sorting orders by invoice number in backend
- [TASK] Migrate utf8_encode/decode functionality in order to avoid deprecatiopn warnings in PHP 8.3
- [BUGFIX] Escape percent character in log messages
- [TASK] Add backend basket order list product filter
- [TASK] Add GTIN number as a list column for roduct list in backend
2024-07-24 Release of version 4.3.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix stripe checkout callback
- [TASK] Add logging for callback debugging
2024-07-24 Release of version 4.3.2
- [TASK] Add country name in invoice, delivery-note and return PDF
- [TASK] Add new features in documentation feature list
- [TASK] Add backend filters reset button
2024-06-27 Release of version 4.3.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix CSV export in backend module
2024-06-03 Release of version 4.3.0
[FEATURE] Add time limited downloads
[FEATURE] Integrate return invoice, closes #164
[TASK] Add refund columns to basket order list view
[BUGFIX] Add next invoice number to refund action
2024-04-11 Release of version 4.2.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix creating invoice numbers in a multi-language environment
- [TASK] Add order message in delivery note PDF
- [BUGFIX] Fix success message for resend-order-mail
2024-03-21 Release of version 4.2.0
- [FEATURE] Add custom information for basket products, ordered products in invoice, delivery note and order-overview in frontend
- [TASK] Add configuration for minimum and maximum order value based on payment type
- [BUGFIX] Protect order xml folder with htaccess
2024-02-09 Release of version 4.1.3
- [BUGFIX] Prevent issues on non available cc mail configuration
2024-02-06 Release of version 4.1.2
- [TASK] Add translations, color and size in invoice, delivery-note and emails
- [TASK] Optimize label support in PDF for easier modification
- [TASK] Insert centralized is-pdf-creation-possible checks
- [BUGFIX] Prevent accessing undefined array index in widgets
- [BUGFIX] Use float values in formatted prices in order XML
2024-01-18 Release of version 4.1.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix configuration for extension manager installation
2024-01-17 Release of version 4.1.0
- [BUGFIX] Fix usage of product variants and missing base product properties
- [FEATURE] Add separate order list plugin in frontend for order group admins
2024-01-15 Release of version 4.0.1
- [BUGFIX] Add missing additional costs in example invoce PDF
- [TASK] Move pdf_description and digital_product field into base extension
- [TASK] Insert admin flag in mails in order to differentiate between admin and customer mails
- [BUGFIX] Fix prices in invoice PDF depending on displayType b2b/b2c
- [TASK] Hide order date in order widget in case of request-orders
- [TASK] Add creation date in backend order list
2024-01-11 Release of version 4.0.0
- [TASK] Add ModifyButtonBarEvent for BE module edit buttons, closes #146
- [BUGFIX] Fix backend module authorization in TYPO3 12
- [TASK] Optimize version conditions in PHP code
- [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10
- [TASK] Add backend pdf routes, closes #141
- [TASK] Add backend basket order list view columns, closes #143
- [TASK] Add backend product pdf button, closes #137
- [TASK] Add refresh and bookmarks button to statistics backend module, see #131
- [TASK] Add missing translations, see #130
- [TASK] Add product type filter to backend product overview, see #133
- [TASK] Add tag category filter to backend tags module, see #132
- [TASK] Optimize backend product variant view, closes #139
- [FEATURE] Add statistics page including top-clicked, top-selling and sales charts
- [BUGFIX] Fix inconsistent usage of sendMail in checkout services
- [TASK] Refactor finish order by using events for attachments and generated files
- [FEATURE] Add an optional XML file on order
- [FEATURE] Add delivery note to admin|customer mail
- [FEATURE] Overview of orders in the front end also possible across users
- [TASK] Add CC for order mails
- [BUGFIX] Fix dashboard widgets for TYPO3 11
- [TASK] Add filters to backend color and size lists
- [TASK] Sync language files
- [TASK] Extend backend lists
- [BUGFIX] Add backend module template path constants in TypoScript setup
- [TASK] Optimize UX hints in backend module, see #116
- [TASK] Add import id column labels to product size, color and type
- [TASK] Add backend alert in product overview if no type, color or tag records, see #109
- [FEATURE] Add color and size backend modules and upgrade wizard, see #110
- [WIP] Add product type module and product variant summary view
- [BUGFIX] Fix unit price in klarna checkout parameters
- [TASK] Add edit links to titles in backend module, see #92
- [TASK] Add digital product filter and list column to products list, see #91
- [TASK] Add Invoice pdf creation action from stripe invoice data
- [TASK] Update stripe customer on profile update
- [TASK] Set preferred locale on stripe user update
- [TASK] Add PSR-14 events for stripe subscription events
- [TASK] Add stripe webhook for subscriptions
- [TASK] Add invoice list
- [TASK] Add subscription list
- [TASK] Add basket orders and product overview buttons to top bar
- [FEATURE] Add digital products
- [TASK] Disable delivery note button without send date in basket orders, see #81
- [TASK] Disable delivery note and resend buttons without send date in basket orders, see #82
- [TASK] Optimize labels in product TCA, see #83
- [FEATURE] Add top-selling products widget, see shop #63
- [TASK] Insert an error handling when trying to create an invoice without order-date
- [TASK] Insert dummy data in the PDF header/footer
- [TASK] Switch from Charge API to Payment Intent API
- [TASK] Add missing backend labels, see #10
- [TASK] Add order detail page
- [TASK] Add price and date to order list
- [TASK] Add invoice and delivery note downloads to order plugin
- [TASK] Show error message in order plugin if not logged in
- [TASK] Add products list column for price type
- [TASK] Add search word filter and fix pdf buttons for Basket Order, see shop #25
- [FEATURE] Integrate create subscription and list user subscriptions
- [FEATURE] Connect Frontend user with Stripe customer
- [TASK] Add type filter for Basket Order
- [FEATURE] Attach frontend user groups on successful purchase
- [TASK] Optimize code style using cs-fixer
- [TASK] Optimize code by using phpstan
- [TASK] Optimize basketorder backend module filter, see shop #58
- [TASK] Add, update action permissions check
- [TASK] Migrate integration of backend permissions
- [TASK] Add missing buttons in backend and a new list column
- [TASK] Add discount and shipping modules
- [TASK] Add widget group for shop widgets
- [TASK] Add TypoScript constant for stripe synchronization
- [TASK] Add backend module for managing tax rates
- [BUGFIX] Remove shipping address from Klarna payment session initialization
- [TASK] Add widget for 10 most clicked products in the last week
- [TASK] Remove shipping address from Klarna payment session initialization
- [TASK] Combine different backend module lists
- [TASK] Remove shipping address from Klarna payment session initialization
2023-09-07 Release of version 3.0.1
- [TASK] Add some more logging for checkout
- [BUGFIX] Fix unit price in klarna checkout parameters
- [TASK] Remove shipping address from Klarna payment session initialization
2022-08-15 Release of version 3.0.0
- [BUGFIX] Fix resend confirmation mail functionality
2022-06-06 Release of version 2.9.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix type mismatch in KlarnaCheckoutService
2022-05-02 Release of version 2.9.0
- [FEATURE] Add signal slot for actions after order payment
- [TASK] Emit general paid event
- [BUGFIX] Add proxy to curl requests
- [TASK] Task migrate backend module permissions
- [TASK] Remove typo3 version checks
- [TASK] Remove calls to ObjectManager object
- [TASK] Override database log writer
- [TASK] Replace signals with psr 14 events
- [TASK] Move extension icon into public resources
- [TASK] Migration for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8
- [TASK] Preparations for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8
2022-02-25 Release of version 2.8.0
- [TASK] Normalize configuration settings
- [TASK] Add Typoscript constants for payment options
- [FEATURE] Email attachment files in product record
2021-09-15 Release of version 2.7.0
- [FEATURE] Add Stripe credit card as payment provider.
- [TASK] Add product url to Klarna product payment
- [BUGFIX] Remove type definition from Widget properties, to ensure compatibility with PHP 7.3
2021-08-27 Release of version 2.6.2
- [TASK] Add transaction number to invoice pdf
2021-07-15 Release of version 2.6.1
- [BUGFIX] Add email to shipping address in Klarna checkout service
2021-07-09 Release of version 2.6.0
- [FEATURE] Add Klarna payment
- [BUGFIX] Check email attachment configuration in backend controller
2021-05-06 Release of version 2.5.7
- [TASK] Dispatch payPal and payPalPlus paid signals
- [BUGFIX] PDF invoice file name
2021-04-30 Release of version 2.5.6
- [TASK] Add product pdf description
- [TASK] Add date placeholder support for pdf invoice
- [BUGFIX] Fix time format in backend module
2021-04-16 Release of version 2.5.5
- [TASK] Split mail attachment configuration for admin and customer emails
2021-03-31 Release of version 2.5.4
- [BUGFIX] Fix dependencies in composer.json and ext_emconf.php
2021-01-25 Release of version 2.5.3
- [BUGFIX] Set dependency to the latest shop version
2021-01-21 Release of version 2.5.2
- [TASK] Add
filter to basket order backend module
2021-01-21 Release of version 2.5.1
- [BUGFIX] Check TYPO3_MODE instead of TYPO3 in tca overrides
2021-01-19 Release of version 2.5.0
- [FEATURE] UPS shipping
2021-01-08 Release of version 2.4.4
- [BUGFIX] Resend customer / admin emails from Backend
2021-01-08 Release of version 2.4.3
- [TASK] Move translation labels to TypoScript
2021-01-08 Release of version 2.4.2
- [TASK] Invoice PDF modifications
2021-01-07 Release of version 2.4.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix backend module toolbar links - site configuration is now reachable for TYPO3 9.5 versions
2021-01-05 Release of version 2.4.0
- [FEATURE] PayPal Plus checkout
- [TASK] Normalize some translation values
2020-12-09 Release of version 2.3.1
- [BUGFIX] Move background PDF in PDF Footer template to another layer
2020-12-09 Release of version 2.3.0
- [FEATURE] Add PDF creation for delivery notes
- [TASK] Optimize basket order backend module and basket order view
2020-12-02 Release of version 2.2.0
- [FEATURE] Add backend button for resending order mail including invoice pdf
2020-12-01 Release of version 2.1.1
- [TASK] Invoice pdf modification
2020-11-30 Release of version 2.1.0
- [TASK] New basketOrder button in backend module
- [FEATURE] Extension basket order and add invoice creation
2020-11-16 Release of version 2.0.3
- [TASK] PayPal checkout service
- [BUGFIX] Fix PayPal checkout email template paths
2020-10-11 Release of version 2.0.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix dependencies
2020-10-07 Release of version 2.0.1
- [TASK] Add email templates
- [TASK] Add constants for email templates
2020-09-15 Release of version 2.0.0
- [TASK] Include Isotope
- [BUGFIX] Dont display record type in product overview backend module
- [BUGFIX] Display teaser in compare view
- [TASK] Added new content element wizard item for ProductCompare
- [TASK] Simplified backend button definitions in BackendController
- [BUGFIX] Don't count a not countable value listItem.category in partial Category.html
- [TASK] Add translations and modify ext_typoscript_setup.txt for csv export
- [BUGFIX] Fix dependencies of shop base extension
- [TASK] Remove inject annotations in backend controller
- [FEATURE] Add hide/show action in backend module
- [TASK] Rename TypoScript file extensions to .typoscript
- [TASK] Code clean up
- [BUGFIX] Fix TypoScript constant category
- [BUGFIX] Fix some translation issues
- [TASK] Add missing language variables to template files
- [TASK] Move language labels out of ext_typoscript_setup.txt to xlf files
- [TASK] Optimize Fluid template formatting
- [TASK] Add target language in xliff files
- [TASK] Translate locallang**.xlf files
- [TASK] Add default values for create-new-product button in backend module
- [BUGFIX] Fix f:count usage for backend module list cells
- [FEATURE] Add authorization settings for page TypoScript
2020-01-27 Release of version 1.4.0
- [TASK] Remove edit-in-modal feature for backend module.
- [FEATURE] Refactoring of checkout process including PayPal checkout.
2019-07-18 Release of version 1.3.0
- [FEATURE] Add search word for product overview.
- [FEATURE] Add backend module for product price overview.
- [FEATURE] Add backend module for product SEO overview.
- [FEATURE] Add backend module for basket order and more.
2019-03-06 Release of version 1.2.0
- [TASK] Refactoring.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing typo in controller usage.
- [FEATURE] Adding product category view in backend module.
- [FEATURE] Adding product column in attributes view in backend module.
2017-11-24 Release of version 1.1.1
- [TASK] Adding license configuration
2017-11-22 Release of version 1.1.0
- [FEATURE] Adding a compare feature